It's inspiration time! Vandaag toon ik jullie weer een heleboel leuke tweets die ik de laatste tijd verzamelde op Twitter. Ik hoop dat jullie dit soort van berichten leuk vinden!
Music is one of the most beautiful ways that you can express yourself. #concertweirdos - @ConcertWeirdos
Music is one of the most beautiful ways that you can express yourself. #concertweirdos - @ConcertWeirdos
I don't need drugs or alcohol. Music is my addiction. - @DiaryOfHumor
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. - @GirlsLibrary
What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! –Snow White - @disneywords
The most memorable people in life will be the friends who loved you even when you weren’t very loveable. - @GirlBooklet
I can't forget about my heart and how it felt to fall for you right from the start. –Jasmine (The Return of Jafar) - @disneywords
Be careful of who you pick as a friend, most people pretend to listen, but are only gathering information to judge you with. - @RealTalk
A paper cut is a tree's last revenge. - @SoDamnTrue
Some call me crazy, well I guess they'll never understand. –Cheetah Girls - @disneywords
I wanna call your name forever, and you will always answer forever. –Pooh - @disneywords
You can't find love, love finds you. - @TeenThings
"I wasn't that drunk!" "Dude, you picked up a little Mexícan girl & screamed, 'DORA! I NEED YOUR MAP TO GET HOME!'" - @WereJustTeenss
That awkward moment when you are reading Twilight and realize that Bella Swan has sex, gets pregnant and almost dies. - @SoDamnTrue
"I don't care how small that spider is. I want it dead." - @mylittleswallow
Zo, dat was het alweer voor vandaag. Ik hoop, zoals al eerder vermeld, dat jullie dit soort van berichten leuk vinden. Laat een comment achter met jouw mening, want daar help je me echt mee verder! Je mag echt volledig eerlijk zijn, daar hebben we allemaal het meeste aan natuurlijk!
door: Svea
door: Svea